Friend Test
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
I'm Back!!
Oh well..last three months has been quite an interesting month to say cuz my girlfriend came back for a very long holiday and we did have a very happy moments here after half year of not meeting each other..we discovered a lot of new places and food..and wow..i'm so so how to say fat..waistline goin side ways and muscle all dropping off each day because i didn't really had the time haha..and partly lazy..but i did start goin back to the gym dy few weeks ago..
So today wasn't a good day for me first because of exam is so near and i don know how to face it..Stpm is like less than 50 days and trial is next week..oh my goodness..then weather today again was freakin hot that i didn't really pay attention the last few mins of physics class cuz the heat was just unbearable..then after finish school went to toilet and haih..really stupid ba..luckily school over not much ppl at school if i were to embarass myself..
Oh well thats all for today..nights
Monday, June 29, 2009
My absentee
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Ok thats all for now readers..enjoy reading..
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
A memorable outing..
Since now is already june dy..i am putting an effort to study and won't waste any time on unecessary stuff and will take every precious time to actully sit down and study or do concept of studying now is just like how i do gyming..its simple thou but determination and will power must always be is actually like get a nice body physique,i need to go to the gym to train and shed off all the excess fats and to be healthy at the same for my study..if i wan to be sucess in future , achieve my ambition and dreams,i must study..then rest is also play a very important role in both study and gym..tats why i must plan my the number of sleepings hours as i have to study too!! next is when i go to the gym,before that i must plan in advance on my goal for that workout day on wether to do chest,shoulder,back or leg exercise because it will be a total useless if i go there without any goal or planning and will be wasting time..same too apply to my study room,when i sit down in the study room i must have a goal on wat i should get from studying tat subject like physic,chemistry,math and wouldn't be effective i just sit there and take up a book and read without any with all these new way of studying,i hope i would be able be keep up the momentum till DEC 10 which is the last day of STPM as i don wan to go through another experience of not able to score in exam..actually this way of my studying i just realised it during the exam week..such a bad time to realise it but good that i still have time to actually study..i plan to start up this week but my will power isn't there..i shall try harder till i actually reach the momentum..pray for me..
Oh well i guess this posting must very very for those reader who are easily put off with long posting..pls don click the little cute "X" button up..farica and pris i know u r put off with my long posting but appreciate my posting,kesian me write long long but u don read..hehehe..lek ah..
Anyway this continuation of posting will be bout the most memorable outing with tobinai theresa,tobinai joanne,apek yutong and gompirut jes..this outing was on 1st june which is monday..cuz we haven't hang out for a very long time so decided to hang out for lunch and movie at i was the transporter rather than a driver described by gompirut jes cuz all had no car apart from i left the house around 10.30 to first pick tobinai jo up then apek yutong then tobinai theresa and gompirut jes at school because they were having dancing prac since morning for the IU day..then everyone was in the car dy then me the transporter drove all the way from la salle to 1b..luckily the drive to 1b was a smooth one with no jam at all..then when we reach 1b,i drop tobinai jo and theresa and gompirut jes at the drop off zone..they were just like those rich kids goin down into the mall..haha..i drop them there with reasons cuz the bump at the parking area was just very very high for the car to pass by so to avoid from hitting my car below i need to drop them..glad u all didn't make fuss bout cuz u all had to walk all the way up to the 3rd floor form ground after i parked we met together at GSC and saw satya and his young,active good friend who were also up for a movie but their was a movie marathon..then satya introduced his friend to me and he gave me a weird look..i don know wat was it but really it was weird..then jes came by and this friend of satya was like crazy this after seeing jes..he was jumping all over i just left them with all the jumping and went to to buy tickets.. our plan was to watch angel and demons because tobinai joanne isn't a fan of when we reach there joanne say she's not into angel and demons either as it involved story bout catholic faith so decided to go for terminator at last because gompirut jes and me had already seen night at the everyone agreed to watch the terminator salvation and i went to buy the tickets which cost at RM 45 for 5 of us..the movie was at 2.00 so while waiting the time to pass by, we dicided to go have lunch,my plan was to have chicken rice at the chicken rice shop but then apek yutong said there is this Mc value meal at McD which is even cheaper so we went to McD instead..but when we reach there,there were no seats at all and the que was so we decided to go KFC which was just opposite McD..there weren't many ppl there in KFC as compare to McD so we found a seat and i sat to book so no one from the McD costumer come and get the table cuz i saw many of them goin to KFC after being put off by the ppl and que's..but then suddenly gompirut jes came to the table without holding any trays or food..i thought he was goin to tell me that KFC out of stock..turn out to be apek yutong had found seats in McD so we had to go over there again..apek yutong was so very interested in tat Mcvalue lunch i this time he was the one booking the seats instead of me so me.tobinai jo and theresa and gompirut jes went to order and lukily this time the que has lessen and took few mins only to order..then when everyone had ordered we all ate our burgers..after the lunch,tobinai jo met her lifeliners at 1b and went to her car to get some stuffs for this week while waiting for her,me, apek yutong and tobinai theresa went to toy's r us to see wat toys which we missed during our childhood..after spending few mins there then tobinai jo called asking where were we then she came to toy's r us to look for it was almost time dy for the movie..we went up and at the time we reach there it was just a nice timing cuz the cinema door just open,so we all went in and before that went to the toilet 1st..then movie started and the outcome of the movie was nice thou i slept in the front part cuz it was boring..haha..
So its was 4 dy after the movie and we were very thirsty,i just wanted a drink so we decided to go sepanggar there to have coconut while at the same time try out tobinai jo lokan which she was promoting it since last first it was suppose to be bowling after movie at sutera but playing there now need socks and some of us are all in sandal so the plan is cancel to coconut session..then i the transporter drove all the way to sepanggar which was bout 15 mins drive from 1b..finally we reach at the lokan place..then i just ask the two experience ppl who are apek yutong and tobinai joanne to order the lokan as it was my 1st time thou i had tried out the kelapa bakar i ordered one kelapa bakar , pudding for the tobinai and finally lokan came..the lokan was super delicous i tell u..u all should go and try's 6 bucks for 25 not bad..then tobinai and apek were trying to show us how to eat it by mixing it with lime,black ketchup and chili..and man it was damn spicy but superb lokan..just wanted to order another set but the amount of cholesterol contain in that lokan in just so so high for me dy enough to make my blood pressure shoot after the nice lokan and burned coconut session..we headed to karambunai which was 10 mins drive there cuz the journey back kk is undurable after the coconut session as it will be very long way back and we will be looking for toilets..and as for me who has this emergency sign of a nice comfortable seat just really needed to sit and i drove as fast i can cuz it will set off anytime..hahaha..u all know lar..then after a nice comfortable 5 star seating at karambunai,we all went around the karambunai park cuz the scenery ther was very nice and at the same time see the we sat down,took pics and talk for about half an hour..then after tat we went for a walk at the beach and guess wat these two guys were doin,running around like a crab cuz they were catching crabs..hahaha..after 10 mins of crab catching we then went back then just happen tat all our family didn't cook for dinner so decided to go for a dinner..our 1st plan was to eat at ang's hotel which is well known for its pork leg!!hahaha..but sad that the place was very very full and the number of ppl waiting is also a then we went to diamond again to see if there was any place for us..same thing as in ang's hotel..then we decided to go lintas there for kon lau mee..there weren't many ppl and the food came very very fast..the around 8..we were all very very tired dy after one whole day of outing all the way to sepanggar..then after paying the bills,i sent one by one home..
It was indeed a memorable outing ever for me and also the others..its would be even better if jamilah and byron were there but both can't come..just wish that u all were there..oh wow!!this post is just so so long..hope u readers is still awake upon reaching this this is the complete report of what we did on that monday outing..below are some of the pics during our outing..
Happy Reading!!
See gompirut jes who never seen tree before..hahaha
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
HIIT-High Intensity Interval Training
You have probably been told, just like the rest of us, that in order to burn the greatest amount of fat you need to do cardio for 20 to 60 minutes at a moderate intensity. This will indeed melt the fat away, but HIIT is a more efficient and athlete-friendly way to train and burn fat at the same time.
How HIIT Works
With HIIT, you will be working harder than you normally work but for about a quarter to a half of the time that you would normally spend on the cardio machine of your choice. HIIT is so intense and effective that you only need 15 to 20 minutes, tops!
Here's What You Do:
- Pick the cardio machine of your choice (treadmill, elliptical, rower, bike, swimming) and perform a 5 minute warm-up.
- Then take time to stretch properly and you are ready to begin
- Start at a moderate pace for 1 minute, then crank up the pace to 90 or 95% of your Maximum Heart Rate (MHR).
- Continue at this effort for 15 to 20 seconds, then slow down to your starting pace for another minute followed by another all-out sprint for 15 to 20 seconds.
- Do this for no more than 15 minutes.
- After that finish your workout by cooling down for 5 minutes and thoroughly stretch afterwards.
Maximum Heart Rate(MHR)
- MHR-201
- 70%-141
- 75%-151
- 80%-161
- 85%-171
- 90%-181
- 95%-191
*As you get older,your MHR will be lessen and vice versa with the younger one
If you perform this right I guarantee that you will be totally exhausted after 20 minutes of this.
Benefits Of HIIT
A study at Laval University in Quebec, Canada found that HIIT cardio helped trainees loose nine (yes, 9!) times more fat than those who trained the traditional way (moderate speed for 20-60 minutes). Combine HIIT with your weight program and you boost your metabolism through the roof!
The Reason HIIT Is So Successful Is This:
- When you work at a high intensity, you burn more total calories per pound of body weight.
- High Intensity workouts such as weight training and HIIT boost growth hormone levels.
- Elevates the body's metabolism throughout the entire day!
What does this mean for you? The more calories that you burn in a day, the more weight you are able to lose. Even if weight loss is not your goal, HIIT isfor you. Athletes will see better gains from doing HIIT cardio as opposed to traditional cardio.
Unless you are training for a marathon, you do not keep a constant pace during your sport. All sports whether it be soccer or football, even baseball or basketball have a point where you need to change gears and hit a full sprint.
HIIT will not only help your cardiovascular system, but will train the anaerobic ATP/CP system as well. Not only will you increase your cardiovascular endurance, but improve your raw speed and explosiveness as well!
*What Is ATP?
Otherwise known as Adenosine TriPhosphate, ATP is critical to the release of energy. ATP is an adenosine-derived nucleotide that supplies large amounts of energy to cells for various biochemical processes, including muscle contraction and sugar metabolism, through its hydrolysis to ADP.
I will let the study speak for itself. HIIT provides a more effective workout in much less time! Everyone can benefit from HIIT cardio, whether it be the person who is trying to lose weight or the professional football player training for the upcoming NFL season! Give HIIT a try and I am sure that you will not go back to the traditional way of performing cardio again!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mama's Day!!!
Anyway as usual every sunday wake up very early in the morning for church activity and 1st thing i did was went down quietly and suprising my mum with a happy mother's day wish..then when we were bout to leave home,my sister and i presented her a computer made card..cuz we had no time to draw card dy..sorry mum..
Then at the church, they were ppl selling mother's day flower so i bought 3 rose flower and immidiately gave it to after church around 10,we had already plan earlier tat we have a hi tea at promenade which only started at 11.30..So to pass the time,i drove to city mall instead of centre point where she insisted to go just to pass the time..i drove to city mall with a purpose ok cuz i wanted to get her a minicure perfume at bodyshop which cost 52 while dad and her goin around city mall,me and sis were running like mad just to get away from them as not to be seen by them..then after buying the perfume,saw mum and gave it to her..and she was happy
I know it sounds very very weird to give presents to her one by one and its all a last minute job as i had no money to buy those stuffs cuz my dad was away to singapore for some official duties..he only came late saturday night and from there i told him tat i wanted to buy her perfume and so he just gave me the money..
After that. we went to promenade for hi tea and the food were very very delicious!!!i was very very full cuz i ate just bout everything that was served there just to make up the price of the hi tea..hahaha..
Tats all bout how this year mother's day celebration was about..
Once again Happy Mother's Day Mum And All The Mother..
Monday, May 4, 2009
300 Workout
The truth is, the training regimen was the brainchild of the mens' trainer , Mark Twight. Because of his workout training plans, many of the men went from being around 40 pounds overweight to being lean, mean, fighting machines in a matter of months. Others just improved their level of fitness and conditioning exponentially.
The workout is done in a giant-set fashion. That is to say, you go from one exercise, to the next, to the next, with little to no rest in between. However, if you cannot complete the desired number of reps for each exercise, you are permitted to rest/pause , until you complete all reps before moving on to the next station.
* It should be noted that this routine was not used everyday by the men in the film, and should not be used everyday by recreational exercisers. Remember, this workout isn't for beginners. The demands on the muscles are high, and you risk injury.So make sure you know what you're doing before you attempt to become a Spartan. (This is just a general workout the spartans did and recommended not to follow all unless ur r very very fit and strong)
300 Workout
- 25 pullups
- 50 deadlifts
- 50 pushups
- 50 box jump with a 24 inch box
- 50 floor wipers (A core and shoulder exercise)
- 50 clean and press
- 25 pullups
A total of 300 reps in 20 mins but this is so so impossible unless u r those who r fit and strong
Below is a video on how the workout is being carried out
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Live A Helthy Lifestyle
Lately so many people have ask me ways to shred off fats and how to actually go bout it..i don blame u all for not knowing bout healthy lifestyle as i believe tat parents didn't really tell the proper way of losing fats..i know some parents will say u have gain weight..cut down this and tat or may be u will be force to go on a treadmill or go jog for hours and hours without seeing any losing fat will not be tat boring and pressuring anymore from parents but will do in a fun way..
For a start, i am just like u guys who totally have no idea on how to actually lose fat until sept of 2005 tat i decided to live a healthy lifestyle by hitting the gym and get serious with diets and exercise..from there i started from a zero knowledge bout healthy lifestyle..i didn't even know wat to actually do at the gym,the workouts and so on..worst part is diet..i really had no idea on how and where to i really saved lots of money just to get the bodybuilding magazine cuz its no ordinary magazine where it is all from the when i finally got my first ever bodybuilding magazine..i was very very happy tat all the question tat i actually wanted an answer for years is all in tat monthly like the editor just knew wat i really wanted to know..then from there this BODYBUILDING.COM ( came bout..its the largest and largely used by bodybuilders,celebreties,young and old to get the most of bodybuilding..and when i say bodybuilding don be mistaken by big muscle and big body..bodybuilding is actually where u build ur body the way u wan it to be..may be some want to be slim but still look muscular and some may be wan to look bulky and some may only wan to shred those fats off and so have a rough idea now on wat is bodybuilding actually??
Anyway here are few links tat i found to be very very relevant to u all (Fastest way to lose fat) (Importance of water in losing fats) (Must Check Out This!!)
Down here are few tips of how to shred off extra fats and keeping up healthy lifestyle
- Have A Tea Party:
Drinking tea daily will hydrate you, keep you feeling full, and give you antioxidants.
- Go 80%:
Eat until you are 80% full. It takes the brain 20 minutes to register that there is no more need for food, so stop at a level 3 of fullness on a scale of 1-5.
- Eat An Apple Before Dinner:
It fills you up with good-for-you fiber and will take the edge off a roaring appetite!
- Cut Out The Colas:
Sip instead a glass of fizzy water garnished with a lime or lemon.
- Turn Up The Tunes:
It has been proven that music boosts your mood. Therefore use it to your advantage. Add your favorite songs to your workouts to make them more effective and longer, burning more calories and having fun while you do it!
- Walk:
It's free and keeps you agile, fit, and you can do it anywhere!
- Replace The Candy Bowl With A Fruit Bowl:
Vitamin and fiber packed fruits will fill you up without the guilt of empty calorie candy.
- The More Colorful You Eat The Healthier You Are:
Well with fruits and vegetables that is! Aim to eat as many different colors that you can to make it fun and interesting while keeping all the taste without the calories.
- Eat Healthy Fats To Lose Fat:
Focus on walnuts, avocadoes, olive oils, and fish containing Omega-3 fats. You will shed those unwanted pounds while feeling full and not deprived.
- Season Your Way Slim:
Instead of butter, salt, oil, and frying foods to make them taste good, stock up on salt free seasonings and lemon to make your food taste great without all the unnecessary calories.
- Go Darker:
With your salad that is. Instead of the pale iceberg lettuce that has little nutritional value, switch to dark, colorful greens which are vitamin rich.
- Chew Your Calories, Don't Drink Them:
Instead of guzzling about 300-400 calories in about 3 gulps (Starbucks anyone?), enjoy chewing and tasting your calories. And just sticking with water and forgoing those expensive calorie high drinks you will for sure lose weight.
- Get Grilling And Stop Frying:
Just switching the way you cook or order food can save you hundreds of calories! Opt for a grilled chicken salad instead of fried and watch the pounds melt off!
- Get Jumping:
It has been proven that jumping rope is one of the most effective and efficient calorie burners that you can do anywhere! They are light to pack, fun to use, and jumping rope gives you results.
- Stop Snacking At Night:
Aim not to eat after 8:00pm or 2 hours before your bedtime. If you do get uncontrollably hungry, have a small serving of a high fiber cereal with skim milk. This will fill you up without derailing your diet efforts.
- Go Nutty:
Enjoy a handful of raw unsalted almonds or walnuts as a snack (about 12 pieces). Nuts are both good for you and will cut your hunger pains in half.
- Sleep Off The Pounds:
Feeling tired? Then instead of grabbing a sugary snack to get you going, take a quick 10-20 minute power nap. You will feel more energized without loading up on calories.
- Stop Stress Eating:
When you are pressured, do you reach for food? Start to retrain yourself to solve your problem without the false security of food.
- Don't Commit Diet Adultery:
Cheating means paying for it tomorrow. Remind yourself that an instant of the lips means months on the hips! Instead of an entire "Cheat Day" which you could eat up to over 4,000 calories, enjoy a small treat that won't derail all your efforts.
Tats all for now guys,i'll update again on this in teh next post..Happy Reading
Friday, May 1, 2009
Fuel Economy

Just ask Wayne Gerdes, proprietor of CleanMPG, an online resource and forum for those interested in squeezing every last mile out of their gas tanks. Gerdes knows what he’s talking about: He once took a Prius from Chicago to New York on a single tank of gas, and he holds the current record for the highest sustained mpg and longest tank: 220 mpg and 2,254 miles, respectively (both in a Honda Insight hybrid).
We asked Gerdes for some of his best tricks, which he claims will improve any car’s efficiency by 50 percent. Turns out what’s good for the environment is good for the wallet: “Think of fuel prices last summer. It’s like paying two dollars a gallon instead of four dollars.”
Before you get in your car…
1. Do you really need to get in it? If it’s a short distance, you should be thinking about walking or cycling. “The best hypermilers in the world walk, bike, or take public transportation.”
2. Check your tire pressure. Properly inflated tires last longer, improve handling, reduce braking distance, and increase fuel economy. And don’t just fill them to what is printed on the driver-side door. Check the reading for “max sidewall,” printed on the outside of the tires themselves, and fill to that point. Your tires will stay at an ideal pressure for longer (think about it: If you fill to what the door instructs, they’re technically underinflated the minute you drive on them), while still being in a completely safe range.
3. Add a fuel-consumption display. It’s a simple device you can install on any vehicle manufactured since 1996. Nothing will wake you up to bad driving habits like watching your mileage rating dwindle to that of a Hummer as you accelerate. Drivers who install one typically see a 15-percent boost in fuel economy just by monitoring real-time mpg feedback. They cost around $160, and they pay for themselves in a matter of months through saved fuel costs. Gerdes recommends the ScanGauge brand.
Before you turn your car on…
1. Prepare yourself. Buckle your seat belt, adjust your mirrors, check your lipstick, set up your cell phone. Also, instead of turning on the motor and rolling down to the end of your driveway to see if it’s safe to turn out, wait until you’re sure that it is, and then start moving.
2. Choose your route. Driving the main interstates or arterials is not always the best way to get from point A to point B. There’s often less traffic if you take a more direct route, even if the posted speed is slower. Besides, “speed is the enemy of fuel economy.”
3. See how far you can roll. If you’re on a slope, why do you need your engine? Put the car in neutral, take your foot off the brake, and coast until your first stop. Your top speed will probably be 5 to 10 mph. “That’s about what you’d be doing in a parking lot,” says Gerdes. “And there are probably fewer people around your driveway.”
Driving around town…
1. Wait before pulling onto a main road. The more space you give yourself to accelerate gently and smoothly, the more fuel you’ll save. “Just wait until it clears. No reason to get rushed. It only puts you a minute behind where you would have been.”
2. Coast if you can. “Maintaining momentum is one of the keys to hypermiling,” Gerdes says. If you see a “stale green” (as in, a light that’s about to change red) ahead, take your foot off the gas early. Slowing down will improve your stats, and increase the chances that you’ll coast through the light at 15 mph, rather than having to accelerate from zero again. And if it’s a two-lane road, you’ll force the speed demons behind you to take it slow, subtly improving their fuel economy. “What you want to do is take control of traffic, and save fuel for the entire roadway.”
3. At a long stoplight, shut your engine off. That’s what a hybrid does. There are areas in the world where it’s illegal to idle your vehicle for any period of time. “If you are a resident of Kawasaki, Japan, when you pull up to a stop light, they actually have employed people to stand there and shame you for leaving your engine running.”
4. Limit the amount of heat and air-conditioning you use. In an urban environment, air-condition can lower fuel economy by as much as 30 percent. If you can’t get by without it, try turning it off temporarily at a stoplight or stop sign, so you don’t further reduce your car’s efficiency during acceleration. “A lot of hybrids do that, too.”
On the highway…
1. Drive without brakes. In fact, pretend your brakes are faulty: You’ll use them less, allow more space between you and other drivers, and leave yourself more time to slow down—in short, you’ll be safer and more efficient. And always anticipate the road 30 seconds ahead of your current position—look for brake lights, cars merging, jaywalkers—which should allow you to avoid most unnecessary braking situations. Bonus points: Play chess with stoplights. If you see three in a row, game the timing to coast through all of them.
2. Go slower. Remember, “speed kills fuel economy.” There’s no need to travel 10 mph over the limit. It’s not going to save you much time over your normal commute. By way of example, Gerdes explains, “A Ford Escape Hybrid is rated at thirty-two mpg. Do you know what it gets at forty mph? About sixty mpg.” That’s because every vehicle has a certain speed that offers maximum horsepower for minimum fuel consumption. And that sweet spot is rarely 10 miles above the highway speed limit.
3. Keep a constant load on your engine. Imagine a roller coaster: It goes down hills and up hills, but never stops completely. You can do the same thing in your car—using momentum you’ve already generated—but without sacrificing as much speed. So instead of setting the cruise control to 60 and having the engine work overtime to maintain that speed on an incline, lock your foot on the accelerator in a fixed position; you’ll lose a little speed cresting the hill, but pick it right back up going down the other side. And your engine will never know the difference. Ditto the cars behind you.
4. Experiment with “pulse and glide,” a technique whereby you accelerate to the speed limit and then coast in neutral until you lose too much speed. You would get phenomenal results by speeding up to 50 mph and slowing down to 5 mph (which is impractical basically everywhere), but you’ll see satisfying results in almost any range in between.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
RMN's Freedom Of Entry To The City
Friday, April 17, 2009
Tattoos And Body Piercing Can Be Ugly
Oh well here is an interesting topic tat poped out of my mind tuesday when i was tryin to find topics to post..and the topic i wan to post is above..
Side effects of tattoos, body piercing can be ugly
That new flower tattoo or pierced nose might not look like a health risk now, but the potential side effects could be painful, permanent, and look downright nasty.
Black spots of infection surrounded a shiny, silver tongue stud. A pierced eyebrow was a sickly shade of green, and a small permanent rash was all that remained of a temporary henna tattoo.
The result of a piercing or tattooing gone wrong can include allergic reactions, torn skin, scarring, and even diseases such as hepatitis B or C. Despite such consequences, many young people continue to be drawn to body piercing and tattoos as an expression of their individuality and a desire to be fashionable
One of the most unpleasant sounding consequences of piercing is keloids.
"It's probably the most disfiguring lesion, which is a huge overgrowth of skin due to an abnormal healing .The black that is often added to the product to make it last longer can contain additives such as coffee beans, charcoal, or large quantities of PPD -- a chemical commonly found in hair dyes, lingerie, and hosiery. Those who have a negative reaction can end up with severe contact dermatitis, or become prone to further skin problems if they later dye their hair.

Dental Health: Oral Piercing
While piercing the tongue, lip or cheek may be attractive to some, there are a number of health-related risks associated with oral piercing, including:
Infections. The wound created by piercing, the vast amount of bacteria in the mouth, and the introduction of additional bacteria from handling the jewelry all work to increase the risk of infections.
Transmission of diseases. Oral piercing is a potential risk factor for the transmission of herpes simplex virus and hepatitis B and C.
Endocarditis. Because of the wound created by the piercing, there's a chance that bacteria could enter the bloodstream and lead to the development of endocarditis – an inflammation of the heart or its valves -- in certain people with underlying (and often undiagnosed and without symptoms) heart problems.
Nerve damage/prolonged bleeding. Numbness or loss of sensation at the site of the piercing or movement problems (for pierced tongues) can occur if nerves have been damaged. If blood vessels are punctured, prolonged bleeding can occur. Tongue swelling following piercing can be severe enough to block the airway and make breathing difficult.
Gum disease . People with oral piercings – especially long-stem tongue jewelry (barbells) -- have a greater risk of gum disease than those without oral piercings. The jewelry can come into contact with gum tissue causing injury as well as a recession of the gum tissue – which can lead to loose teeth and tooth loss.
Damage to teeth. Teeth that come into contact with mouth jewelry can chip or crack. One study in a dental journal reported that 47% of people wearing barbell tongue jewelry for 4 or more years had at least one chipped tooth.
Difficulties in daily oral functions. Tongue piercing can result in difficulty chewing and swallowing food and speaking clearly. This is because the jewelry stimulates an excessive production of saliva. Temporary or permanent drooling is another consequence of increased saliva production. Taste can also be altered.
Allergic reaction to metal. A hypersensitivity reaction – called allergic contact dermatitis -- to the metal in the jewelry can occur in susceptible people.
Jewelry aspiration. Jewelry that becomes loose in the mouth can become a choking hazard and, if swallowed, can result in injury to the digestive track or lungs.
Thats all to blog bout today pplz..enjoy reading..Comments..
Monday, March 30, 2009

Shisha Smoking: A Serious Risk to Health
Shisha also known as Hookha, Water Pipe or Narghile is known to man kind for over 300 years. Shisha is different from traditional Hookha in the sense that instead of plain tobacco it is used mixed with certain flavors and aromatic substances. The composition of the tobacco used in Shisha is variable and not well standardized. The tobacco used in Shisha typically weighs 10 to 20 g and has 3 main forms. "Mu'essel" or "maasel" contains 30% tobacco and 70% honey. "Tumbak" or "Ajami" is a pure, dark paste of tobacco. "Jurak," mainly of Indian origin, is an intermediate form that often contains fruits or oils. "Muessel" is usually flavored with apple, mango, banana, strawberry, orange, grape, mint, cappuccino, or other additives. It is generally sold in boxes or plastic jars decorated with fruit illustrations. Drugs or alcohol is often added to the tobacco. Studies that have examined Shisha smokers have reported high concentrations of carbon monoxide, nicotine, "tar," and heavy metals. These concentrations were as high as or higher than those among cigarette smokers. It has been claimed that more than 100 million people worldwide smoke shisha daily. It is a common practice in the Middle East, Turkey, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and some Parts of China. In some parts of Middle East, Shisha use is more prevalent than cigarette smoking. Among Arab women in many countries, there is less of a stigma associated with Shisha than with cigarette smoking and therefore more and more women are taking up this habit as a fashion. Scientific studies done to see the adverse health consequences of shisha smoking point to dangers that are similar to those associated with cigarette smoking. The research conducted on Shisha use has clearly shown that it has particularly serious health consequences on 2 vital organs of body namely the lungs and heart. Lung Cancer, Cancers of the Food Pipe, Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease, Emphysema, low birth weight, precipitation of Asthma attacks and pneumonia are some of the health hazards associated with shisha smoking. Additional dangers not encountered with cigarette smoking are infectious diseases resulting from pipe sharing and the frequent addition of alcohol or psychoactive drugs to the tobacco. Another worrying aspect of shisha epidemic is that previously it was used in countries like Pakistan and India, mainly by the elderly people living in the villages but in the past few years its use has markedly increased in the urban areas of this subcontinent. Many restaurants in urban areas are now offering Shisha to its customers. Those who use Shisha regularly eventually get hooked on to tobacco and become regular smokers. Some newly opened restaurants are doing good business by serving this to its customers as it is considered as a modern life style. For youngsters Shisha use is very exciting glamorous, fashionable and an enjoyable act. Smoke from Shisha besides others contains hundreds of potentially dangerous heavy metals like, Arsenic, Cobalt, Chromium and Lead. Under normal Shisha use the smoke produced from a single pipe use contain approximately the same amount of Nicotine and Tar equivalent to 20 Cigarettes. Research has also shown that after 45 minutes of Shisha use expired air, carbon monoxide, plasma nicotine and heart rate are significantly elevated. Nicotine dependence may also result from repeated inhalation of tobacco smoke from Shisha. Besides Lung Cancer Shisha use is also linked with increased risk of, Mouth and Urinary Bladder Cancer. There is also some evidence that Shisha use may also decrease the sperm count in men. Regular Shisha users have lung functions approximately 25% lower than those who do not use this. One study has also shown that Shisha use increases the risk of Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Children are particularly vulnerable to the harmful effect of the Shisha use. If they are present in any restaurants or at home where Shisha is being used there is increase risk of them getting lung infections, asthma and sudden infant death syndrome.
News Report
The increasing trend is also blamed for multiplying the parking woes of the already suffering residents.
What is really serious about the phenomenon is that most shisha smokers wrongfully take to the hubble-bubble thinking that it poses only 'light' health risks compared to the serious health related complications of cigarette smoking.
Medical experts have warned that shisha has a more perilous impact on health compared to cigarette smoking. They say most shisha smokers have a misconception based on a wrongful and unscientific notion that tobacco used in shisha is herbal and does not affect body organs.
Residents of buildings with coffee shops and snack counters that serve shisha expressed their resentment over the outlets for the multiple problems they cause them. They called upon the authorities concerned to adopt certain measures to control spread of shisha outlets in the country.
It is to be noted that in their efforts to combat smoking, the health ministers of the GCC states have proposed a hike in the fees of commercial licence issued for cafes and restaurants serving shisha in the member countries. Despite several steps taken by the country to control the spread of tobacco, the UAE is considered among the world's leading consumers of tobacco.
Medical experts have also cautioned that one of the hazards of smoking shisha is lung cancer.
"Most people misleadingly believe shisha does not contain tobacco and that when they smoke they inhale herbal products. It is the added flavours that make them feel they are smoking herbs, while they are actually taking in tobacco and are highly likely to become addicted to nicotine. Shisha smokers should realise that it is far more dangerous than cigarette smoking because the amount of nicotine in shisha can not be measured due to packing differences," a doctor in the government sector warned.
Moreover, while smoking hubble-bubble the aluminium foil, which is usually of poor quality, reacts with the burning charcoal and produces aluminium fumes that are carcinogenic or in other words causes cancer, he said.
He clarified that the amount of carbon dioxide inhaled through shisha is very high compared to cigarette smoking, adding that one shisha smoke is equal to seven or 10 cigarettes depending on the packed ingredients.
He stressed shisha smokers should also be aware of the fact that when smoke goes through water humidity in smoke increases and it then tends to stay for a longer time in the lungs. Some germs, mainly bacteria that cause tuberculosis, live in the shisha pipe.
"According to recent studies the pipe could act as a good medium for conveying bacteria causing infectious diseases like Hepatitis A that can be easily transmitted when shisha pipe is used by multiple smokers," apprised the medical expert.
Maria Antonia, a resident, said: "it is a bad influence for young kids as they too feel like smoking cigarettes and having shisha."
- According to the French anti-tobacco agency (OFT), a report from the French national laboratory revealed that smoking shisha gives off as much carbon monoxide as 15 to 52 cigarettes and as much tar as 27 to 102 cigarettes.Bertrand Dautzenberg, OFT President said, "The report confirms that smoking shisha is a major source of air pollution in closed and covered areas. If comparing the data to regular cigarette smoke, one shisha corresponds to an average of around 70 drags on a cigarette."The tests were conducted by Laboratoire National d'Essais (LNE) on three types of shisha: shisha with self-lighting carbon used in small amounts, self-lighting carbon used in large amounts, and natural carbon shisha used in small volumes. The laboratory used the three parameters that are measured when analysing smoke on a packet of cigarettes: the amount of tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide. For 70 liters (16 gallons) of smoke produced by the shisha, the small amount self lighting carbon tar results were measured at 319 milligrams, 32 times the legal European limit for a cigarette, while the large amount self-lighting carbon measured at 266 milligrams, 27 times the cigarette limit, and the natural carbon measured at 1,023 milligrams, a 102 times more than a cigarette. Carbon monoxide measurements fared badly as well, as tests indicated that the carbon measurements from the three types of shisha came to 17 times the normal cigarette limit, 15 times, and 52 times the limit.
- We have been recently blessed with the ban of cigarette smoking in public areas (airports, hospitals, government buildings).
This is a relief for the luckier majority of us who are not smokers. Unfortunately, it does not last long and deliverance from second-hand smoke is short-lived.
To our dismay, some seem to accept and even bless a recently-revived fad, shisha, or argeela, a habit that was looked down upon a couple of decades ago.
In the recent years, parents and their young sons and daughters sit around the same restaurant table, hubble-bubbling side by side and blowing smoke at each other’s faces, deeming it a less harmful habit than cigarette smoking.
If so, then they are in for bad news!
According to Professor Bertrand Dautzenberg, a respiratory tract specialist, a 45-minute session of shisha corresponds to smoking 40 cigarettes.
With each inhalation, a shisha smoker takes in two whole liters of smoke, whereas a cigarette puff releases 0.5 liter. Moreover, shisha smokers are under the false impression that the water in the container filters noxious substances in tobacco.
Another bad effect of shisha: cooled-down smoke makes the smoker retain the inhaled smoke longer in the lungs than hot smoke. One more thing to take into account, around 10 grams of shisha tobacco leaves contain tar and nicotine that are equal to that of ten cigarettes. In addition to this, tobacco burned by charcoal produces more heavy metals (lead, nickel, etc...) than by cigarette smoke.
Another dangerous substance that is emitted by shisha smoke is carbon monoxide. Just to give you a quick idea; the residue of these toxic materials line the interior walls of the lungs, destroying their delicate alveoli and resulting in emphysema — respiratory failure, a painful ending to life.
Shisha’s multifaceted damage extends to the transmission of highly contagious and infectious diseases such as herpes, hepatitis, tuberculosis, and more through its mouthpiece, or nozzle, which circulates around the table from mouth to mouth.
Seemingly innocuous and enjoyable habits can lead to a plethora of health problems (heart and vascular diseases, cancer) that you can definitely do without.
Enjoy Reading!! Comments
Friday, March 27, 2009
Tonight will be the EARTH for u guys who will be at home between 8.30 to 9.30 evening..pls kindly participate in this international event cuz it will not only conserve energy comsumption but to reduces the rate of global warming which we are facing now..i know u wouldn't get any credits or merits from the goverment for switching ur lights off for an hour but ur doin something good to the earth and also u feel great tat u did contributed something to save the earth from plunging into global warming even more..
And i've found some interesting facts u ppl would never knew existed or had no idea..
- The first home TV set was demonstrated in 1928 and the size of the screen was 3-inches by 4-inches.
- It takes 110 domestic silkworm cocoons to make a man's tie and 630 to make a blouse.
- "IN GOD WE TRUST", motto of United States, adopted July 30, 1956, first appeared on US coins in 1864.
- The last time a cigarette commercial appeared on TV was December 31, 1970.
- Benjamin Franklin wanted the TURKEY as the national symbol of the United States.
- The color KHAKI was first used during the AFGHAN WAR in 1880 because the color was considered good camouflage.
- The FIRST TELEPHONE MESSAGE by Alexander Graham Bell on March 10, 1876 to his assistant Thomas Augustus Watson was "Mr. Watson, come here I need you".
- According to both FRENCH and PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH tradition, BELLS NICHOLS is the name of Santa's BROTHER. (This i had no idea at all..DOES SANTA HAS A BROTHER?)
- The Kings in a deck of cards are named: Alexander, Caesar, Charles and David(Really had no idea bout this!!)
- The plastic on the end of a shoelace is called an AGLET
- The word "Highjack" originated during prohibition. When a truck of illegal liquor was taken, the gunman would say "HIGH, JACK", indicating how the driver should raise his hands.
- TRISKAIDEKAPHOBIA is the unnatural fear of the number "13". (This is Hillarious cuz i've never heard of ppl having fear of a number 13..LOL..anyone of u readers are?? I hope not)
- The first product to have a bar code scanned was Wrigley's gum.
- Every day is about 55 billionths of a second longer than the day before it
- Footprints of astronauts who landed on the moon should last at least 10 million years since the moon has no atmosphere.
- If an Amish man has a beard, he is married.( for u guys who have beard shave it off or ppl think ur doesn't even exist in Malaysia!!)
- As of 2006, 200 million blogs were left without updates.(Cool fact bout bloggers, so update ur blogs often to prevent from being the 200 million in the future statistic)
- Fathers tend to determine the height of their child, mothers their weight. (This is so TRUE)
- Barbie's full name is Barbie Millicent Roberts. (Cool i didn't know tat)
- Music can help reduce chronic pain by more than 20% and can alleviate depression by up to 25%.(is it a myth or wat??)
- Men with a certain rare medical condition can breastfeed babies (Lol!!!)
- 9 out of 10 people believe Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.This isn't true; Joseph Swan did.
- Ernest Vincent Wright wrote a novel with over 50,000 words, none of which containing the letter "e." (Amazing feat)
- Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon with his left foot first. (Didn't knew this one existed)
- Russia has the most movie theaters in the world. (Would like to go there one day)
- The youngest Pope was 11 years old.
- Titanic was running at 22 knots when she hit the iceberg.(convert it to km/h)
Tats all for today posting..Comments guys..hehe..Enjoy Reading..
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Anyway enjoy reading guys..
Testosterone is primarily a male hormone. Women have estrogen and progesterone as their primary hormones. However, women also have small amounts of naturally occurring testosterone. This serves many functions.
Testosterone production in men mostly takes place in the testes. In women, testosterone takes place in two separate glands. The ovaries are responsible for half of the production while the adrenal glands are responsible for the other half.
Normal Testosterone Levels in Women
When puberty first hits, testosterone level in women raise gradually, maybe to 40 or 50 ng/dl by age 15. By age 20, normal testosterone levels for women are around 70 ng/dl. Like men, testosterone levels in women decrease with age. After age 20, levels will begin to decrease. By the time a woman experiences menopause, testosterone levels may be half of what they were when they were 20.
Testosterone Levels and It’s Function in Women
Testosterone does much more than bulk up muscle. Testosterone levels in women are not high enough to create a load of muscle mass. The functions of this hormone are similar to the function they serve in men, but not always to the same degree.
Testosterone helps a woman maintain physical health. Women are more prone to osteoporosis and other bone conditions than men. This may have a lot to do with testosterone levels. This hormone helps increase bone mass and bone density.
Like in men, testosterone in women has a lot to do with libido, or your sex drive. It helps women maintain muscular strength and muscular mass. It also helps give you a better quality of life. Testosterone will give both men and women an “I feel great” attitude.
Women And Testosterone
Testosterone is known as "the male hormone", but women do produce small amounts throughout their lives -- about one-seventh the amount per day that men make.
In women, testosterone is produced half in the ovaries and half in the adrenal glands. After menopause, testosterone production decreases gradually by one third of premenopausal levels (unlike estrogen production which decreases dramatically). In women who have had their ovaries removed, testosterone levels drop by half.
Testosterone is referred to as the "Other Hormone," and it can add zest to menopause. Monthly surges of this androgen boost your well-being, sense of personal power and sex drive. Other benefits derived from testosterone are that it helps promote bone growth, and it can help relieve mild depression, some vasomotor symptoms, and vaginal atrophy and dryness.
Testosterone can be the "Impulsive Hormone," and there is a parallel of information about it in men and women. Those with higher levels are usually single, aggressive, and dominate and take risks, but these impulses can be channeled and controlled in order to avoid problems. In women a little bit can go a long way, as it enhances sexual desires and fantasies, helps make women more easily sexually aroused, to enjoy intercourse better and have more frequent orgasms.
If you have your ovaries removed or you are in natural menopause, your testosterone levels drop by 1/3 or more, and it is definitely advisable to replace it along with estrogen. As one author, Dr. Susan Rako, MD, stated, "It is the Hormone of Desire." Besides the bone and sexual benefits, it also acts on the brain, muscles, liver and blood vessels, as it enhances cognitive functions.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sleep Tight No Matter Your Age

Friday, March 20, 2009
Bundutuhan Camp
The teens Group Photo
Me carrying the cross
My adopted family and the cow group
Children Singing
children singing while having fun
the toilet
Me giving my contacts to the family
Children giving away foods which they brought from home
Children interacting
Children goin into the house
The family
Entrance of the house
Children preparing for the outing
Hey once again pplz..Here are the pics from the camp which i mention in my previous posting..actually i went up to the mountains later due to the class which i had to attend in the morning..right after the class..i went back and my dad drove me all the way to bundutuhan..actually i was the one who drove and it was my 1st time driving long distance..and damn its was tiring..i skipped the wednesday class cuz the 2 nd day of the camp was the outing to the adopted family house and i don wan to miss it(Sorry Pn chai tat i missed the last class)..hehe..
Lent is a season of soul-searching and repentance. It is a season for reflection and taking stock. Lent originated in the very earliest days of the Church as a preparatory time for Easter, when the faithful rededicated themselves and when converts were instructed in the faith and prepared for baptism. By observing the forty days of Lent, the individual Christian imitates Jesus’ withdrawal into the wilderness for forty days. All churches that have a continuous history extending before AD 1500 observe Lent. The ancient church that wrote, collected, canonized, and propagated the New Testament also observed Lent, believing it to be a commandment from the apostles. (See The Apostolic Constitutions, Book V, Section III.)
If your church does not observe Lent, you can find out why.
You can read about fasting, which is a spiritual discipline that does not involve starvation or dehydration. You can also read Honest to God for an explanation of what we accomplish by observing Lent.